Become a Member

Become a Member of Ore Community Land Trust

Ore Community Land Trust is a membership organisation and the more individuals who join and organisations that affiliate, the stronger will be our voice.

To become a member, please download and complete the form below and email it to or send it to us at the usual address.
Download Membership Form

You can pay your membership via this button. Please include the word “Membership” in the comment field.

You can also pay your membership fee directly to our bank account:
Our account details are:
S/C: 30-97-66
Acct No: 51836260
Acct Name: Ore Community Land Trust
Lloyds Bank
or in the old way by cheque or cash to our usual postal address.

Our membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. If you are already a member, you don’t need to complete the form when you renew but do let us know if your details change.